Be a researcher

Discover Researchers’ World

Welcome to Researchers’ World

Henkel Researchers’ World (known as “Forscherwelt” in German) is an international education initiative that focuses on sparking curiosity in children ages 8 – 10. The program teaches students how to apply scientific methods to everyday life, with an enriching curriculum including critical testing, analysis, interpretation of data and creativity.  In support of building thriving communities, Henkel Researchers’ World is designed to help fill an important need to make STEM education accessible to all children. 

Lessons are based on research areas that Henkel is active in, such as gluing, washing, personal care and sustainability – teaching children about saving energy, recycling paper, using renewable raw materials and general health.


Henkel Researchers’ World at Mill River Park

Henkel North America introduced Researchers' World in partnership with Mill River Park Collaborative in Stamford, CT. Mill River Park proved the perfect partner to bring the vision behind Researchers’ World to life. Located just blocks from the headquarters for Henkel Consumer Brand’s business North America — the nonprofit brings expertise in environmental stewardship and education, along with 30 acres of reclaimed green space and a thriving natural ecosystem.

Researchers’ World at Mill River Park offers STEM education lessons for elementary school children. The program engages youth with hands-on interactive experiments created to inspire curiosity in science. The program launched in 2021 with free digital online lessons and one-day thematic workshops. In 2022, we continued to grow the program with the launch of a dedicated Henkel Researchers’ World classroom within Mill River Park’s newly opened state-of-the art environmental education center that features science lab equipment and workstations to conduct half-day and full-day workshops for elementary-school aged children. In 2025, we have now reached over 7,000 children through this program.

As an extension of the classroom, a Henkel Researchers’ World Discovery Cart is available on weekends throughout Mill River Park to provide 20-minute pop-up lessons and spark children’s curiosity to learn more about being a researcher.

YouTube Thumbnail Henkel presents the Researchers’ World (Thumbnail)

Experiments for kids

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