Images from the global initiative

Scroll through the photo gallery of young researchers around the globe as they explore the world of science!

Student monitors stopwatch as part of an experiment.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM

Student plays with a mechanical dinosaur toy.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM

Volunteer aids student in mixing a paste for energy experiment.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM

Students participate in hands-on and interactive activities.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM

Students participant attentively as a Mill River Science volunteer leads an energy lesson.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM

A student pedals a bike while another student operates equipment to demonstrate energy generation through motion.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM

Students smiling excitedly while observing a device in action.

Researchers WorldInternational Day of Education: Breaking Stigmas About STEM